quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2015

This is the covenant that I will make click here !! Day 26/03/2015. Thursday.

I just passed my blogger to say hi to all of you and say that in an opportunity that is less tired, write a novelty of the heart of God to bless their lives in the name of Jesus !!! Thus saith the Lord in Jeremiah 31.31-33 saying: The Lord God says. The time is coming when I will make a covenant with the people of Israel and of Judah This covenant will not be like the one I made with their ancestors on the day that I took by the hand and out of the land of Egypt. Although I was their God, they broke my covenant. Am I the Lord have spoken. When that time comes, I will make with the people of Israel is covenant: I will put my law in their minds and in their hearts to write; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Am I the Lord have spoken. Jesus Christ loves you with a love stronger than death for who you are and have in your life a hope that is absolutely sincere (a) in your mind and heart and recognize Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Savior of your life and be blessed (a) in the name of Jesus !!! Because perfect is only Jesus Christ and we are human beings and reaches people pretend a perfection that does not truly exist in their lives, because God seeks as it is written in John 4:24. God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. God seeks a perfect heart, a sincere heart, pure, perfect and upright, humble to recognize God and His Word the Holy Bible with a genuine faith, which is a true faith that acknowledges who we are, but that remains to trust in God the end knowing that He is the God who works all day for those who hope in Him of body, soul and mind knowing that God builds wonderful things in our character and life every day teaching us to be better people and improving our ways to that each of us to be happy and fulfilled person full of all peace that passes all understanding, harmony, tranquility, that has the true joy of real presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, because everything God promises He meets and He proves and confirms every word that came out of his mouth and not mine, be it in my words or written. Thank you for visiting my blogger and am very happy by the sight of every one of you and in all my prayers and live in the depths of my heart. God bless my life and your life with all sorts of physical and spiritual blessings and give us deliverance from all evil doing our dreams and desires every day where we will be happy full of consolation, strength, rest, relief of the Holy Spirit in our minds and hearts are filled with peace, joy, strength, health, pure and sincere love with victories, living miracles and being happy for God's glory. Not to us, not to me but to give glory to God for his faithfulness, love, compassion, mercy, kindness, goodness, justice and all sorts of blessings that He has provided for our lives every day enabling us to grow, develop and be better people every day in the name of Jesus prophesy !!! Who trusted the Lord was never embarrassed and frustrated, but had their wishes fulfilled and had the true peace that comes straight from heaven for you !!! Jesus loves you and I and also a bear warm hug to all of you and every time look for bear, remember that I sent you a sincere hug and thank you for the help each of you sincere friends of Jesus and God bless powerfully their lives seven times as I prophesy in the name of Jesus !!! The way of God is perfect and the Word of God is proven and click here shield to those who take refuge in it. Psalm 18:30. Every word out of the mouth of God is proved and confirmed by him for the avoidance of doubt. Jeremiah 28.9 But if a prophet prophesy peace can only be accepted as a prophet sent by God when his words are fulfilled according to what he said or wrote ... God seeks a mind and a pure heart that is clean and has a perfect heart before Him through their honesty, integrity, truth, justice, goodness, mercy, compassion, pure love and sincere that has a true faith in Jesus Christ and His Word that has a dream of wanting to be transformed and empowered by God in a better person with a better life and remain trusting Him, trusting and allowing Jesus to work in your mind and heart and transform your life structure and make you true worshiper worshiper or able to move the heart of God to work in your favor !! ! Prophesy and every day to fulfill the one who has clean hands and a pure heart that does not deliver his soul to falsehood nor swear deceitfully (falsely). These will get the Lord all his blessings and justice made by the God of his salvation, Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus !!! Psalm 24.4-5. God has no human vision and what matters to him not its exterior, is your heart and your thoughts before Him !!! The joy of those who obey the Lord God comes from it; and the Lord that they find safety. They give you glory. Psalm 64.10. Proverbs 21:21. Who is good and right will have a long life and will be treated with respect and fairness. Every day when I wake up I notice: Trust in God, the Lord and do good as best we can every day and so more safely in the Promised Land. That their happiness, their hope and faith is in the Lord and He will give me and will give you everything your heart desires. Put your life in the hands of the body of the Lord, the soul and spirit honestly and trust in Him and He will help you. He will make that my and your honesty is as light and seen by all men and by God and that the justice of my cause and their is made and shine more than the sun at noon day prophesy, I decree and determine in the name of Jesus Christ !!! Psalm 37.3-6. Christ The Peace my beloved and remember that Jesus loves you for who you are and only want your sincerity !!! Even if I do not comprimente you, I'm telling you in my heart hi, hello and God powerfully bless your life in the name of Jesus !!! A hug and kiss !!! Sheila Yara ... Do not give up and do not stop believing, because God's dreams will never die !!! Trust in the Lord !!! Views today 132 yesterday Pageviews 147 last month Pageviews 5,073 page history of all page views 112,356

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